Text Box: “News from the Pews”

The Newsletter of St. John’s Lutheran Church

What’s New(s) and Upcoming Events

St. John’s Values: Preach, teach, and live the Gospel; Welcoming church for all ages; Shared leadership

Mission: Where Christ meets community           St. John’s Vision: Continue to grow in our faith



Hey everybody, hey! Vacation Bible School is back! Join us June 10th-14th, 8:30-11:30am with Shipwrecked, Rescued by Jesus! 


You can register by...simply going to https://vbspro.events/p/events/aldenhebron19 and follow the instructions. Any questions can be directed towards Kate Johnson or Laura Leedle.


We look forward to having YOU be a part of VBS! You can help by volunteering or by donating  Arts & Craft Supplies, Snacks or simply by writing a check.

Text Box: The Easter Egg Hunt was a HOPPING success!!

Thanks to all the volunteers and participants that made it a wonderful community
event. We collected 2 large boxes for the food pantry and $180 for VBS. 

		Thank you everyone!!! 
Text Box: First Communion Instruction

	First Communion is Sunday, May 5, during worship. First Communion 
	instruction will be Saturday, May 4, from 10:00-noon. Typically, the class is for those in first grade or older—an age when kids can sit and follow along in a book for 30 minutes and understand what’s 	being taught. All ages (even adults) are welcome!