RINGS, the combined high school youth group of 3 area churches (Grace Lutheran Church, Richmond; St. John's Lutheran Church, Hebron; and Redeemer Lutheran Church, Woodstock), met recently to say goodbye to outgoing seniors and hello to incoming freshmen. They played games, got to know each other, and had a Bible study. Pictured, from the back left, are Matt Borst, Seth Billig, Sarah Schenk, Mikie Borst, Sabina Schmidt, Aimee Podgorski, Mike Jones, and Jacob Renz. In the front are Sierra Trojan, Brea Knoll, Brittnany Nelson, Chey Knoll, Chase Woods, Scott Spyra, Jackson Bolman, Robert Schenk, Cameron Petersen, Brendon Petersen, and Madison Woods. Not pictured is Anna Carlson.