Aug 22, 2013


The Alden-Hebron Community Vacation Bible School recently hosted a food truck which was bought from the children's offerings during June's vacation Bible school. Pictured are some of the volunteers who helped hand out the food. In the front, from the left, are Megan and Edward, Maria Dickfoss, Madison and Austin Kastning, Sara Dickfoss, Kaylee Fabrie, Jessica Wikman, Brea Knoll, and Anna Dickfoss. In the middle are Maggie Morris, Lisa Skala, Dave Sadowski, Tina Wikman, John and Susan Kastning, Joe Perez, Barry Haydisch, LuAnn Knoll, Laura Dickfoss, Tina Olson, Ray and Irene Kuhlman, Karen Gritmacker, MarySue Houston, Char Borman, Donna Larson, and Bob and Pat Peterson. In the back are Niki Morris, Rev. Sarah Wilson, and Laura Nelson.

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