Church Ext

St. John's Lutheran Church

        Sunday Mornings

                   Amen Adventures (Sunday School)

Meets on the 1st and 2nd Sunday morning  at 9:00am. All are Welcome!


          Weekly Communion

Communion, the Lord’s Supper, Eucharist. They are all names for the same thing: the meal Jesus gave us to remember him and to receive his grace. In the ELCA, we say that Communion is a tangible way to receive God’s love and grace. At St. John’s, we invite anyone to join us at the table. Parents can determine when they are comfortable with their child taking part. Parents may choose to allow their child to take communion at an early age and then receive instruction (First Communion Class) when they are old enough to read and sit still for 30 minutes, around kindergarten or first grade for most kids.


            Sharing of the Peace

In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus said, “So when you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift.” At St. John’s we take this commandment seriously during our passing of the peace, just before Communion. Some people pass the peace to everyone while others chose to stay in their pews and share peace with those near them. Either way is good. As one member likes to say, we are a pool of love; jump in however you want.


            Outdoor Worship

Several years ago, we built a permanent outdoor worship shelter to go along with the altar and garden at the back of our property. We’ve been able to use it often in the summer months on Sunday mornings for worship. Being out in God’s creation enhances the service in a unique and beautiful way.



 Confirmation is a 3 year program for students typically in 6-8 grade. We meet one Sunday a month from 11 - 12:45 pm where we learn about the Old Testament, New Testament, Luther's Catechism, Life of Jesus, Lord's Prayer, Lutheran Life and the Ten Commandments  (September - May)